SUPPORT Transforms Life!

We have a day care center at Mahulgaon, Chembur, Mumbai where runaway children gather during the day. During outreach and interaction with children on the streets, the staff motivates the children to change their lifestyle by undergoing a residential rehabilitation program. They are then brought to our residential rehabilitation center, where after a formal residential detoxification of 21 days, they enter our residential long term program.

Children below 18 years old are enrolled into Government schools and given extra academic coaching at the center to help them complete formal school education. The youth that are rescued from the streets are directly enrolled into SUPPORT's residential vocational training center and given exclusive training in a productive vocation. On completion of training they are placed on jobs and gradually they move out of SUPPORT and into rented apartments. We extend our support and guidance to them even after moving out of SUPPORT.


Youth are approached and motivated to attend our Day Care Center and avail the facilities. Further, they are encouraged to quit drugs and enrol in our long term rehabilitation program.

Flowchart of Our Program

Our work is focussed on mainstreaming our Children and do Social Integration… to follow this, we have our Methodology Named: FLUTE

Harmony of Transformation: The Flute Program Symphony


In the grand orchestra of rehabilitation, the Flute Program emerges as a soulful melody, echoing the essence of Freedom, Listening, Understanding, Transformation, and Enjoyment. Like a finely tuned instrument, Flute stands as a beacon of hope, a book of tales, and a Long Term Rehabilitation Program meticulously composed by SUPPORT over 38 years. Join us in the symphony of self-discovery, where every note is a step toward freedom from addiction and the joy of a transformed life.

The FLUTE Program


Breaking Chains: Flute begins with the liberation of individuals from the chains of addiction. It is a melody of freedom, a promise that every soul can break free from the clutches of substance abuse.

Creating Choices: Freedom in Flute is about empowering individuals with choices. It's a canvas where they paint their dreams, choose their paths, and take charge of their destinies.


Melody of Understanding: Listening in Flute is an art, a melody of understanding. It's about hearing the silent struggles, the unheard stories, and creating a space where every voice is acknowledged.

Empathy in Harmony: Through attentive listening, Flute cultivates empathy. It's a bridge that connects hearts, fostering a sense of belonging and trust within the supportive community.


The Symphony of Self-Reflection: Understanding is the heart of the Flute Program, where individuals embark on a journey of self-reflection. It's about unraveling the layers, understanding the root causes, and discovering the inner strength to transform.

Cultivating Insight: In understanding, Flute nurtures insight. It's a process of unveiling the patterns of addiction, recognizing triggers, and building the awareness needed for lasting change.


Conducting Change: Transformation is the crescendo of Flute, where the notes of change resonate. It's a conductor's wand orchestrating a shift from addiction to a life of self-esteem, purpose, and contribution.

Whole Lifecycle Approach: Flute acknowledges that transformation is not a single event but a lifecycle. It encompasses detoxification, rehabilitation, skill-building, and social integration—a holistic journey to a drug-free, fulfilling life.


Harmony in Sobriety: Enjoyment in Flute is the melody of sobriety. It's about finding joy in the simple pleasures of a drug-free existence, in the camaraderie of a supportive community, and in the pursuit of one's passions.

Celebrating Victories: Flute celebrates every victory—big or small. It's a festival of accomplishments, a reminder that the journey to recovery is also a journey to self-discovery and newfound happiness.

The Book of Flute

Case Studies and Narratives: Flute is not just a program; it's a book of stories. SUPPORT has chronicled its 38 years of experience in the form of case studies, weaving a narrative of triumph over adversity.

Inspiration for Change: The book serves as a beacon of inspiration, offering insights, guidance, and real-life examples to those embarking on the transformative journey.


In the harmonious notes of Flute, SUPPORT invites you to join the symphony of transformation. It's not just a program; it's a melody of hope, resilience, and joy. Together, let's play the Flute of change, creating a beautiful and lasting harmony that resonates in the hearts of those seeking a life free from addiction.

Building Bridges: A Journey of Social Integration for Reclaiming Lives


In the symphony of rehabilitation, social integration is the melody that transforms the lives of drug-using children and youth, turning the discord of the streets into a harmonious rhythm of stability and contribution. Join us on this emotional journey where we bridge the gap between dysfunction and societal contribution, unraveling the tales of resilience and transformation.

Challenges of Social Integration

A Blank Canvas of Values:
Children from the streets arrive with blank canvases, devoid of the basic values and etiquettes that form the foundation of mainstream society. The absence of a reference point makes the transformation program at the rehab center a challenging uphill battle.

Resistance and Slow Receptivity:
After detoxification, their receptivity to change is initially low and slow. Addicts, accustomed to the erratic life on the streets, find it difficult to adhere to a regular routine. Resistance and boredom surface, leading to challenges in maintaining jobs or adhering to a structured lifestyle.

Ways of Social Integration

Peer Educators:
The heart of our program lies in the compassionate guidance of Peer Educators—ex-addicts who have traversed the path of detox and rehabilitation. Trained to assist staff, they handle routine tasks, gaining stability, discipline, and work experience. Peer Educators become beacons of responsibility, providing accountability and correction when needed.

Half Way Home:
For those completing school, the "Half Way Home" serves as a transitional haven. Youth either reunite with families or pursue vocational and technical training. This intermediate step ensures a smooth adjustment to the responsibilities of work and shared living, with staff maintaining regular contact through home visits and meetings.

Family Reunion:
A cornerstone of social integration is the re-establishment of bonds with families. Children, initially guarded about their backgrounds, open up over time. Staff initiates contact with families through home visits and letters. The process, guided by the Child Welfare Committee, addresses feelings of guilt and resentment, paving the way for a smooth reunion.

Emotional Resonance

Step 1: Nurturing Stability
Imagine the emotional resonance as Peer Educators guide their younger peers. It's not just a routine; it's a lifeline of stability, a thread weaving resilience into the fabric of their lives.

Step 2: Transformative "Half Way Home
Witness the emotional transformation as youth, armed with education and vocational skills, step into the "Half Way Home." It's not just a place to stay; it's a bridge to independence, a testament to their ability to embrace responsibilities and live as contributing members of society.

Step 3: The Journey Home
Embrace the emotional peaks as children, once guarded and fearful, embark on the journey of family reunion. It's not just a return; it's a reclamation of lost bonds, a healing process that transcends guilt and resentment, fostering love and understanding.


In the realm of social integration, our NGO is not just guiding; we are building bridges—bridges that connect the past to a promising future, bridges that transform dysfunction into contribution, and bridges that echo the emotional resilience of those reclaiming their lives. Join us in this journey where every step is a note of hope, every reunion is a triumph, and every child is a testament to the enduring power of social integration. Together, let's build bridges and change lives, creating a symphony of resilience, love, and transformation.

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